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  • A Nigerian man in a yellow shirt holds up his hand, covered in crude oil, while looking seriously into the camera

    Crude injustice in the Niger Delta

    Transnational oil companies’ ‘divestment’ from Nigeria leaves behind a trail of destruction. Obiora Ikoku reports on the communities demanding reparation

  • A pencil drawing of a man addressing a crowd from a car rooftop next to a photograph of protestors on their knees surrounded by teargas

    Kenya’s youth-led revolution

    Rasna Warah reports on how young people in and beyond Kenya are using social media to challenge corrupt, old-school politicians

  • Against a background of green fields and mountains, a group of people wearing primarily traditional Maasi clothes stand in a circle talking

    Battles for land and gender justice in Kenya’s Loita Hills

    Stephanie Leah Simmons Wood speaks to the Loita Maasais fighting ‘demarcation’ and navigating threats to tradition, corporate interests and opportunities for women’s empowerment

  • Photo of a long train covered and surrounded by hundreds of people wearing bring colours and waving Sudan flags

    Sudan’s lost revolution

    The hopes of the grassroots, citizens’ revolution have given way to the brutality and violence of rentier elites in Sudan, writes Raga Makawi

  • Two Black women hold up signs protesting anti-lgbtq laws, one reading "I am a proud lesbian, get over it!"

    The global battle against Ghana’s anti-LGBTQ+ bill

    As states across Africa threaten LGBTQ+ communities, Chiamaka Muoneke reports on the colonial roots of homophobic laws – and the digital activism fuelling resistance

  • Members of the Kayole Social Justice Centre stand in front of a wall of grafiti with their fists raised. The wall says 'peace' and 'courage'

    Fighting Kenya’s femicide

    Grassroots socialist and feminist organising in spaces like Kayole Social Justice Centre, Nairobi, are leading the fight against patriarchy, capitalism, and a colonial present, writes Maryanne Kasina

  • Liberation by the masses

    Revolutionary pan-Africanist Walter Rodney understood Palestinian liberation would be driven by the people writes Chinedu Chukwudinma

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