The US law has inflicted enormous damage worldwide on sex workers, while doing nothing to fight exploitation, writes Marin Scarlett
The welcome given to refugees by local people in Folkestone undercuts the narrative that the public wants our borders to be closed, argues Bridget Chapman
Sheffield activists Ci Davis and Darcy White explain their work in the Jubilee Movement, a mutual aid-based debt justice campaign
Joe Durbidge reflects on the changing experience of being a delivery driver in London
Matthew Topham and Alice Dann explain how the campaign that brought buses back into public control in Manchester can inspire similar action across the UK
Lydia Hughes speaks to Willie Black, a lifelong trade union organiser, about why we need to build rank-and-file power
In the wake of the floods that devastated Pakistan last year, Sanaa Alimia interviews three left-wing activists on how they approached the relief effort
Local, independent, anti-racist: An interview with Shezan Renny