After decades of neoliberal marketisation, higher education in the UK is a broken system. Recognising the roots of the problem is key to solving it, write Sol Gamsu and Kirsty Morrin
The dream of one big trade union is worth fighting for, writes CC Gwalia
Just as capitalism destroys ecosystems, it also maintains power imbalances in our democracies. Borrowing ecological principles could yield radical politcal changes, writes Calum McGeown
Khadijah Diskin explores how can we avoid the cynical commodification of bell hooks’ legacy and build upon her scholarship
Two years since protests successfully demanded to end SARS, police brutality continues to be a problem in Nigeria. Obiora Ikoku reports
Blyth Brentnall describes how a group of activists in the UK has managed to disrupt the activities of one of Israel’s biggest arms suppliers
Thirty years on from the first Gulf War, Evan Smith considers how it exposed the limitations in the British left’s ability to build a mass movement
The view from student encampments for Palestine
Local, independent, anti-racist: An interview with Shezan Renny