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Gerry Hart

  • Solidarity across borders

    As governments borrow ideas from each other to expand their anti-migrant regimes, movements to defend migrants’ rights must likewise share strategies of resistance. Hear from five activists on the ground

  • Former labour leader Jeremy Corbyn meeting with members of Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI)

    On the coming of age

    Old age and the ageing process cannot be divorced from the system as a whole, writes Jane Shallice

  • Two red flags which both have Unite the union's logo on them

    Public purpose

    Past experiences suggest that public ownership of industry doesn’t guarantee a more socially useful purpose. But it is a necessary condition, writes Raymond Morell

  • A black and white photograph. Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo sits next to his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in 1947. Bertoldt Brecht sits in the background

    Monopolywood: Why the Paramount accords should not be repealed

    Repealing the Paramount accords could set independent cinema back, writes Vaughn Joy

  • A woman at a protest waiving a flare billowing yellow smoke in front of a banner reading "Kill the Bill"

    Abolition Revolution – review

    Abolition Revolution looks to a future free of the punitive systems that permeate British society, argues Shahed Ezaydi

  • Scene showing men in dole queue from 1997 film The Full Monty

    The Full Monty at 25

    A quarter of a century after its release, The Full Monty still resonates today. Alex Green revisits a working-class story told with compassion and humour

  • Protestor holding Ecuador flag, shown from the back, facing rows of police officers

    ¡Kaypimi kanchik! – Ecuador’s indigenous movement versus the cost-of-living crisis

    Ecuador’s powerful indigenous movement is again leading the fight against a growing cost-of-living crisis, writes Daniela Díaz Rangel