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Gerry Hart

  • A group of people are sitting on the bus holding signs. The signs have handwritten slogans on them in support of public control of buses.

    The campaign for better buses

    Matthew Topham and Alice Dann explain how the campaign that brought buses back into public control in Manchester can inspire similar action across the UK

  • A City of London skyline photo taken from high up, with parts of the Barbican estate visible to the left and glass towers including the Gherkin and 'Walkie talkie' further in the distance against a bright blue sky

    What we learnt from this year’s tax list

    The latest annual report only highlights government failure to properly tax the super rich, says Andrew Speke of the High Pay Centre

  • Large white letters spelling out 'SOCIALISM' stand against a hedgerow in a field at daybreak, with figures in front securing the letters

    Beyond The World Transformed

    Lucy Delany profiles the Transformed Network activists taking TWT projects nationwide throughout the past year

  • The cover of the book This Arab is Queer imposed onto a photo of the pride flag flying against a blue sky

    This Arab is Queer – review

    Elias Jahshan’s anthology paints a vibrant picture of queer Arab life on its own terms, writes Aneesha Hussain

  • Six people pose in brightly coloured clothes and balaclavas

    Riot daze

    In the current political climate, despair come easy. From Pussy Riot to queer cabaret, we must find hope in one another, argues Siobhan McGuirk

  • On a city street building works hoarding, a poster reads: "Gentrification Zone: Area Certified as Economically Cleansed"

    Key words: Gentrification

    Joy White explains the ‘social cleansing’ of cities and communities

  • A street in Kibagare, Nairobi

    Tapping technology in Nairobi’s informal settlements

    Prince Guma reflects on how new digital technologies for water provision have been adapted – and subverted – in informal settlements in Nairobi