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Gerry Hart

  • Police officers stand in front of a building occupied by activists from Palestine Action, some of whom are on the building's roof

    How Elbit was shut down

    Blyth Brentnall describes how a group of activists in the UK has managed to disrupt the activities of one of Israel’s biggest arms suppliers

  • Philippine presidential candidate Leody de Guzman at a rally standing behind a banner with a raised fist

    The campaign for a democratic socialist Philippines

    Following the victory of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in this year’s Philippine presidential election, Walden Bello details how he and Leody de Guzman sought to forge a new path for a revitalised Philippine left

  • The Custom House in Dublin, Ireland with the River Liffey in the foreground

    Socialist world, where are you?

    Examining left movements in Ireland and elsewhere, Lorna Bogue suggests that the conditions created by neoliberalism may prove fertile ground for its downfall

  • A painting of prisoners in a dingy cell walking in a circle whilst being observed by a prison guard

    Carceral realism: Is there no alternative?

    Punishment and imprisonment are deeply embedded in our thinking but as Oly Durose argues, we are capable of building less violent, more nurturing solutions to society’s problems

  • A screenshot from the video game Disco Elysium, showcasing some of the game's dilapidated architecture

    Pixels and mortar: The politics of video game worldbuilding

    With the worlds of architecture and video games becoming increasingly intertwined, Gerry Hart examines how video games communicate through their design

  • Protestors holding up pro-Palestinian signs calling for a boycott of Israeli goods

    The future of boycotts after Ukraine

    Calls for state and civil action against Russia are an important shift in Western political discourse, writes Ben Jamal

  • A cartoon showing workers being hollowed out and turned into compliant machines, with a caption below reading 'An Industry Epoch: Changing the works in Ford employees to five day-movements'

    Fighting workplace surveillance

    Jamie Woodcock examines the growing range of tools bosses use to spy on their workers – and how they can be resisted