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Liam Kennedy

  • Soldiers of China's Peoples' Liberation Army marching in Beijing bearing red flags

    Rejecting the new cold war

    Western leftists must avoid short-sighted or ignorant support for the Chinese Communist Party, which is a far cry from a socialist regime, writes Brian Hioe

  • Pimlico Academy, where students protested racist and discriminatory policies in March 2021. Credit: ClemRutter

    Banned words and racism in schools

    Continued use of ‘standard English’ in schools is a key means of upholding racial inequality. Furzeen Ahmed and Ian Cushing take a look at the history of banned words and racism in schools.

  • An old promotional photo for The United Fruit Company featuring a group photographed in one of its plantations in Jamaica

    A short, sordid history of brands and warfare

    Burger King’s foray into recent conflict in Azerbaijan is part of a historical trend of corporations weighing in – and benefitting from – conflict, writes Tommy Hodgson

  • A woman with grey hair in a purple tee and grey jacket holds up a sign reading "STOP femicide" at a protest

    The lies we tell about men who kill

    Mental health crisis is often used to explain mass murder. The framing only detracts attention from tackling misogyny and male violence, argues Alex Birch

  • A promotional image for the book Asylum for Sale. A raised fist holds barbed wire that features currency symbols and a flying bird

    Asylum for Sale – review

    The edited volume from Siobhán McGuirk and Adrienne Pine is a powerful indictment of the modern migration complex, writes Nico Vaccari

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