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  • Abortion – 24 reasons for 24 weeks

    MP Nadine Dorries unveiled 20 ‘reasons’ for lowering the abortion limit to 20 weeks. Here Laurie Penny gives 24 reasons why it should remain at 24 weeks

  • Alan Turing and Peter Tatchell | Peter Tatchell visited Manchester. Credit: Pete Birkinshaw

    Porn can be good for you

    Peter Tatchell says pornography doesn’t have to be oppressive. It can be liberating and fulfilling

  • Alan Turing and Peter Tatchell | Peter Tatchell visited Manchester. Credit: Pete Birkinshaw

    Why I joined the Greens

    Peter Tatchell says the Greens are now the radical left party.

  • A photo of a newspaper printing press in operation

    The medium is the message

    The alternative media are more than a source of news; they help keep the democratic process alive writes Gary Younge

  • Protestors waiving placards denouncing the Iraq War and marching behind a banner. A woman and a policeman are in the foreground

    Defending the right to protest

    Shami Chakrabarti examines the implications of New Labour’s expansion of anti-terror laws, and what it means for the right to protest

  • Bob Dylan

    The Politics of Bob Dylan

    The protest songs for which Bob Dylan is most famous were written in a 20-month burst in the early 1960s. Within a year Dylan had turned his back on them – not in renunciation of politics, argues Mike Marqusee, but to pursue a deeper kind of radicalism

  • Caribbean Cold War

    As the US runs roughshod over international law, Harold Pinter demands justice for Cuba. Eleanor Janega and Jane Holgate contribute their views.

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