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Siobhan McGuirk

  • Illustrations of people building around a computer and smartphone

    Welcome to our new website – funded by YOU!

    Support for vibrant, radical, independent media is essential. As we’re fixing few glitches and bugs, so is your feedback!

  • Illustrations of revolutionary moments in Pan-African history

    Freedom songs for total liberation 

    Ubax Abdi and Chief Nyamweya reflect on pan-Africanism past and future while Lena Grace Anyuolo poems express a pan-African socialist woman’s perspective

  • A group of young Somali students wearing white shirts hold Palestinian flags and stand with freedom fists raised

    Africa’s strong bonds to Palestine

    Remembering Africa’s historic ties with and support for Palestine is vital as relations with Israel are normalised across the continent, write Salim Vally and Roshan Dadoo

  • A man in a suit points at the camera, smiling, from a crowded stage

    Challenges ahead for Colombia’s new government

    Leading a leftist government in a right-wing country, Gustavo Petro’s plans for economic reform face opposition – including from within his own political alliance. Daniela Díaz Rangel reports

  • Book cover image of Uncommon Wealth shows a lion roaring

    Uncommon Wealth – review

    Kojo Koram’s book cuts through tabloid headlines to examine the material legacy of colonialism: extreme wealth for an elite few; poverty for the rest. By Leah Cowan

  • A montage of illustrations showing trans rights activist alongside archive images of protest and legislative wins

    How trans rights activists changed Argentina

    Argentina’s groundbreaking gender identity laws were won through longstanding activist traditions, diverse tactics and solidarity. The experience has lessons for us all, write Alessandra Viggiano and Siobhán McGuirk

  • The Transgender Pride Flag – white, blue and pink stripes – flies at on a pole over a grand looking building

    The long road to gender recognition reform

    From bans on trans athletes to violence in the streets and attacks in the legislature, Jamie Jewkes traces the normalisation of transphobia in Britain

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