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  • Handala, a character originally drawn by Naji Al-Ali, painted onto the West Bank barrier

    A Child in Palestine – review

    A Child in Palestine is a powerful tribute to the enduring legacy of Naji al-Ali, writes Jeanine Hourani

  • A former public baths and wash house in London now boarded up and abandoned

    Shattered Nation – review

    Dorling’s book offers a damning portrait of a crumbling Britain, writes Phil O’Sullivan

  • Protestors holding placards reading slogans including "stand up" and "autism is not a crime" blocking the the light rail line in St. Paul, Minnesota

    Empire of Normality – review

    Chapman’s book offers a vitally needed theoretical framework for neurodivergent anti-capitalism, writes Gerald Roche

  • The interior of an office, showing several desks with computers on them

    My work – review

    Olga Ravn’s latest novel reflects the growing and ever changing demands that work subjects us to, writes Elinor Potts

  • A bitcoing machine illuminated with multiple coloured lights in a shopping centre in Gdańsk, Poland

    Blockchain Radicals – review

    Cryptocurrency and blockchain might be here for the long haul, but Dávila’s book shows how they can be repurposed by the left, writes David Z. Morris

  • A black and white photo of a sculpture depicting a family of four holding hands, with both parents at either side

    Family Abolition – review

    O’Brien offers a radical and exciting argument for a liberative approach to care, writes Matt Seidel

  • illustrations inspired by Lenin's What Is To Be Done? showing a root filled with people and a protester holding a placard

    Lenin’s legacy: ordinary miracles and revolutionary ambition

    As we approach the centenary of V I Lenin’s death, Lars T Lih looks at what his ‘intricate polemic’ in What is to Be Done? might offer today’s left

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