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  • Members of the Mont Pelerin Society photographed at their inaugural meeting in 1947

    The marketisation of truth

    It’s time we look deeper at the causes of our post-truth malaise, argues Marcus Gilroy-Ware

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is one of many high profile politicians who gained notoriety through comedy (Credit: Mykhaylo Markiv/The Presidential Administration of Ukraine)

    The rise of comedian politicians

    As more and more comedians find success in the political arena, Rhian Jones lists some of the most prominent examples of satirists turned statesmen

  • An illustration of Andrew Doyle's satirical character Titania McGrath

    Woke jokes and right-wing comedy

    There’s nothing radical – or funny – about right-wing comedy, says Jake Laverde.

  • Boris Johnson on the satirical comedy show Have I Got News for You

    How Corbyn unmasked comedy

    Juliet Jacques argues that the way comedians treated Jeremy Corbyn demolished their anti-establishment credentials

  • An advert for an event with details of URL, time, date etc. Red Pepper: Can Video Games Change The World?

    Live debate: Can video games change the world?

    Globally, 2.5 billion people play video games. Is the left in danger of overlooking their immense power and influence?

  • In a still from the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare, a many holds a large gun up in his sights against a smoky background

    The spoils of playing war

    Video games play a key role in sustaining the global military-industrial complex, writes Marzena Zukowska

  • A Black man holding a microphone is bathed in stage lighting while he sings

    Stormzy, Grenfell and what it means to be a ‘threat’

    The artist is giving a vital platform to a new generation of voices pointing out the hypocrisy in which crimes get punished and which get rewarded. By Remi Joseph-Salisbury and Laura Connelly

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