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  • A group of protestors holding signs and placards in support of trans rights

    Transphobia is the latest weapon in a raging culture war

    The vicious media campaign against trans people is part bigotry, part strategy, writes Roz Kaveney

  • Italiano: Silvio Berlusconi al Grand Hotel Trento per la campagna elettorale delle elezioni provinciali. Credit: Niccolò Caranti

    Beyond Berlusconi

    Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way

  • A photo of a newspaper printing press in operation

    The medium is the message

    The alternative media are more than a source of news; they help keep the democratic process alive writes Gary Younge

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