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Alternative economies

  • Three people standing next to a table decked in a cover reading Cooperation Hull and standing next to a sign reading 'what could we change'

    Experimenting with economic democracy

    18 months ago, several climate activists moved to Hull to build a co-operative economy in some of the poorest neighbourhoods in the country. Gully Bujak, from Cooperation Hull, explains the challenge

  • A photo montage showing houses in disrepair on the right, a crew in high vis vests holding cleaning supplies and a fixed house on the right

    New life on the Marsh

    In Grimsby’s East Marsh ward, a community effort is battling with scant resources to revitalise an area crushed by economic forces outside its control, writes Paula Graves

  • One no, many yeses: tracing the anti-globalisation movement

    The anti-globalisation movement was born at much the same time as Red Pepper. James O’Nions reflects on its rise

  • Wealth for all: Saving democracy with community wealth building

    Ahead of the US election, Sarah McKinley and Dana Brown argue that to save democracy, we first must democratise the economy – with community wealth building the way forward

  • Skyscrapers in the City of London at night, taken during the 2018 super moon

    Vulture Capitalism – review

    Grace Blakeley’s latest book is a vitally needed analysis of the rot at the heart of neoliberal capitalism, writes Harry Cross

  • A champagne cork popping turns into a graph line showing recession

    Key words: Degrowth

    Filka Sekulova explains one of the concepts at the heart of climate and social justice activism

  • A bitcoing machine illuminated with multiple coloured lights in a shopping centre in Gdańsk, Poland

    Blockchain Radicals – review

    Cryptocurrency and blockchain might be here for the long haul, but Dávila’s book shows how they can be repurposed by the left, writes David Z. Morris