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  • A promotional photo from a production of the play Death in Venice

    Neoliberal economics is killing the arts

    Funding cuts and reduced access are cementing the arts as a privileged realm. It’s time to resist ‘art-as-capital’ thinking, argues Tim Lutton

  • Protestors holding placards reading slogans including "stand up" and "autism is not a crime" blocking the the light rail line in St. Paul, Minnesota

    Empire of Normality – review

    Chapman’s book offers a vitally needed theoretical framework for neurodivergent anti-capitalism, writes Gerald Roche

  • A group of maching protesters with a red banner reading 'Colletivo di Fabbrica: Lavoratori GKN Firenze'

    The GKN workers’ fight continues

    The struggle for an ecological transition from below by Florence’s ex-GKN workers is alive, writes Lorezno Fe

  • Jacob Rees-Mogg against purple background

    Key words: Meritocracy

    Jo Littler examines how claims of a level playing field disguise continuing privilege

  • British currency spread out in coins and notes

    Post-pandemic, pay inequality is back in business

    The coronavirus pandemic sparked hopes that pay inequality could be radically reduced. Instead, inequality has ‘bounced back’. Andrew Speke explains how workers can respond

  • A bitcoing machine illuminated with multiple coloured lights in a shopping centre in Gdańsk, Poland

    Blockchain Radicals – review

    Cryptocurrency and blockchain might be here for the long haul, but Dávila’s book shows how they can be repurposed by the left, writes David Z. Morris

  • A man delivers a speech to a crowd in front of a large Black Lives Matter flag at a protest in New York

    What Is Anti-Racism? – review

    Arun Kudnani’s book argues for an anti-racism that is truly liberatory and revolutionary, writes Sigrid Corey

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