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  • Against a bright yellow background, an illustration shows a young person holding a large key in the air and a placard that reads: NO MORE DEBT

    Debtors of the world, unite!

    Jayati Ghosh tells Liam Kennedy about deepening debt crises in the global south, the IMF’s affinity for austerity and the need to confront financial capital

  • A crowd of young people hold up a large hand painted banner that reads 'Another world is possible' with a wind turbine and bike painted on it, with the hashtag slogan: 'No more empty promises' at the bottom

    Against capitalist realism

    Ayça Çubukçu urges us to reimagine not only a fairer world, but a just one in which we demand the impossible

  • An illustration shows an 1980s style arcade machine with small human figures running out of the screen, with dotted lines on a green and purple background. The text reads: 'Games Transformed: Love games, hate capitalism'

    All to play for: towards a left gaming culture

    Gerry Hart shares personal reflections on the politics of gaming, inspired by a one-day festival of games hosted by The World Transformed

  • The food aisle of an Asda supermarket

    Britain’s broken food system

    As food insecurity continues to rise, the Right to Food campaign argues argues our food production practices are unfit for purpose

  • Four people in suits sit on a conference stage with a World Economic Forum branded backdrop

    Resisting cannibal capitalism with an anti-capitalist coalition

    Extreme inequality, climate breakdown, war and crises of economics, democracy and care are intrinsic to capitalism, writes Nancy Fraser. An anti-capitalist coalition is needed

  • Handbags in a shop with pound sign tags

    If it is to win the next election Labour must junk Tory handbag politics

    Next week’s elections are local but Labour’s lack of a distinct alternative indicates national problems to come. It must abandon Tory economic framing, writes Mary Mellor

  • Former Northern Irish First Minister Arlene Foster at the Thales plant in Belfast

    Making a killing from the peace

    The silver anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement is being celebrated in Belfast this week, but a booming arms industry shows the habit of political violence is hard for some to kick, writes Pádraig Ó Meiscill

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