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Economics, unions and work

Red Pepper covers both the failing economic status quo and the growth of alternatives the section on economics, unions and work.

While exploring how privatisation, globalisation, the gig economy, and changes to working life after Covid-19 have generated new forms of exploitation, we also hear from workers organising and fighting back both in and beyond trade unions.

Red Pepper covers both the failing economic status quo and the growth of alternatives the section on economics, unions and work.

While exploring how privatisation, globalisation, the gig economy, and changes to working life after Covid-19 have generated new forms of exploitation, we also hear from workers organising and fighting back both in and beyond trade unions.

  • An illustration of workers rating their arms into a giant fist punching up into the air

    Troublemaking – review

    Through analysing varied unionisation campaigns, Lydia Hughes and Jamie Woodcock chart a path for workplace democracy and meaningful class struggle, says Laura Hone

  • Protestors will placards and red umbrellas. The central placard reads 'proud to be whores' in French

    Five years of the US’s futile FOSTA-SESTA sex trafficking laws

    The US law has inflicted enormous damage worldwide on sex workers, while doing nothing to fight exploitation, writes Marin Scarlett

  • Former Northern Irish First Minister Arlene Foster at the Thales plant in Belfast

    Making a killing from the peace

    The silver anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement is being celebrated in Belfast this week, but a booming arms industry shows the habit of political violence is hard for some to kick, writes Pádraig Ó Meiscill

  • Ci and Darcy pose next to a wall that has 'Climate Justice' written on it

    Dinners for debt justice

    Sheffield activists Ci Davis and Darcy White explain their work in the Jubilee Movement, a mutual aid-based debt justice campaign

  • Two red flags which both have Unite the union's logo on them

    Public purpose

    Past experiences suggest that public ownership of industry doesn’t guarantee a more socially useful purpose. But it is a necessary condition, writes Raymond Morell

  • A black and white photograph. Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo sits next to his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in 1947. Bertoldt Brecht sits in the background

    Monopolywood: Why the Paramount accords should not be repealed

    Repealing the Paramount accords could set independent cinema back, writes Vaughn Joy

  • Deliveroo riders stand behind a banner that reads 'Fair Pay Now' with the IWGB logo. Their deliveroo food bags are in front of them. They are holding placards.

    My experience working in the gig economy

    Joe Durbidge reflects on the changing experience of being a delivery driver in London

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