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Economics, unions and work

Red Pepper covers both the failing economic status quo and the growth of alternatives the section on economics, unions and work.

While exploring how privatisation, globalisation, the gig economy, and changes to working life after Covid-19 have generated new forms of exploitation, we also hear from workers organising and fighting back both in and beyond trade unions.

Red Pepper covers both the failing economic status quo and the growth of alternatives the section on economics, unions and work.

While exploring how privatisation, globalisation, the gig economy, and changes to working life after Covid-19 have generated new forms of exploitation, we also hear from workers organising and fighting back both in and beyond trade unions.

  • A dozen protesters stand of the steps of an office building waving Unison flags and holding placards and banners that read: 'Save Debt Advice' and condemning big business from profiting from household debt

    Credit due: the fight to save debt advice services

    Cutting funding to debt advice services is an attack on working-class households. Unite for a Workers’ Economy is striking back, reports Michael Agboh-Davison

  • A young person, dressed for office work, looks despondently at a laptop computer

    Key words: Alienation

    Daniel Newman explains a key Marxist concept for understanding how labour under capitalism denies workers their humanity

  • Protestor holds a red placard with 'Shame on you' written on it

    Inside Belgium’s supermarket strikes

    Ten thousand workers face wages cuts after Delhaize aims to franchise stores in Belgium. Red Pepper spoke to union members Rosetta Scibilla, Sacha Tenaerts, Eric Breugelmans, and Myriam Djegham

  • Against a bright yellow background, an illustration shows a young person holding a large key in the air and a placard that reads: NO MORE DEBT

    Debtors of the world, unite!

    Jayati Ghosh tells Liam Kennedy about deepening debt crises in the global south, the IMF’s affinity for austerity and the need to confront financial capital

  • A young smiling child pours water from a watering can over a bed of sprouting plants as a smiling older person looks on at the Golden Hill Community Garden

    The future is now: rethinking public ownership

    Hilary Wainwright introduces ‘prefigurative politics’ and Ursula Huws explains how community ownership can encourage a fruitful rethink of public ownership amid a cost-of-living crisis

  • A crowd of young people hold up a large hand painted banner that reads 'Another world is possible' with a wind turbine and bike painted on it, with the hashtag slogan: 'No more empty promises' at the bottom

    Against capitalist realism

    Ayça Çubukçu urges us to reimagine not only a fairer world, but a just one in which we demand the impossible

  • On a white background, three illustrated posters show male oil workers resisting colonial power (as US and British flags) and state repression

    A new revolutionary web: oil workers and resistance in Iran

    Oil worker strikes in Iran are different this time. The latest spate of industrial action is rallying support for Iranian women, writes A.N.

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