It’s not easy for independent radical media to survive today – at least not on the left. We are a largely volunteer-led organisation with a strict ethical advertising policy, pay-as-you-can subscription model, and totally independent editorial line. We rely on YOUR support to keep going.
Red Pepper is a political project as much as a magazine, and there are a number of ways of getting more involved. Together, we can achieve so much more.
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An annual subscription is the perfect gift for anyone who thinks and cares about economic, social and environmental justice, be it their birthday, anniversary, birthday, retirement or any other occasion.
Our gift subscription is available all-year long. We offer a special Christmas bundle with special extras in December
Remember us in your Will
Let your legacy be support for subversive activity for decades to come. All you need to do is include our company name in your Will: Socialist Newspaper (Publications) Ltd. (Reg no. 02644973) and we promise to continue pushing for freedom, equality and meaningful democracy in your spirit.
Write for Red Pepper
In contrast to the mainstream media, Red Pepper’s content comes directly from an international network of writers based in the alternative movements for radical social and environmental change. We have limited resources, but we do offer payment to magazine contributors and are fundraising to offer the same to online contributors. We are always open to receiving article proposals either for the magazine or the website.
Please read this information very carefully before submitting your pitch!
Volunteer your skills
There’s always lots more we’d like to be able to do with Red Pepper, and we truly welcome offers of help – especially if you have a clear idea of what you want to offer. Do you have skills that could help us fundraise? Event organising experience and ideas? Are you great at administration, and like to help behind the scenes? Could you design t-shirts, images for our website, or illustrations for the magazine?
Email office@redpepper.org.uk to tell us more.
Start a readers’ group
If you enjoy getting people together to discuss articles and themes explored in the magazines then let us know and we can help put you in touch with other readers, and potentially a bookshop host, in your area. Contact us to learn more.
Sell the magazine
We always need people to sell Red Pepper at events up and down the country – not just demonstrations and public meetings, but local festivals or cultural events. You can also help make sure your local bookshop or newsagent stocks it.
If you’re part of a campaigning group, and would like to sell Red Pepper and keep a percentage of the cover price to help fund your group, just contact us to agree the terms. Email office@redpepper.org.uk.
Invite us to speak at your event
Our editors can speak at meetings, festivals, and broadcasts if time permits. They have different areas of expertise, but between them cover a wide range of politics, including issues of left strategy and organisation. Contact us or reach out to an editor directly with a request, including both the content, location, possible date and expected audience.
Partner with us
We are a primary media partner for The World Transformed, have published special booklets with unions such as the UNISON-sponsored ‘Mythbuster’ series, and have welcomed organisations including Global Justice Now as guest editors for magazine sections or issues.
Affiliate your union
We’ve been working closely with trade unions since 1997, and are always open to exploring new partnerships. We are revamping our affiliate programme as you read – watch this space or contract us for more information about how your branch or region can act in solidarity and how we can support your events and share our resources.
For more information try our frequently asked questions page.