Home > About Red Pepper Magazine > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answer to your question below, please contact us. We’re a small team and we receive a lot of enquiries but we’ll try to get back to you as soon as we can!


How often is Red Pepper magazine published?
Red Pepper published a quarterly magazine, with issues published in March, June, September and December each year, until March 2025. The website team strives to publish new exclusive content every week.

In Spring 2025, it launched a Community Consultation to decide what form and format it should take moving forwards, with results announced in June 2025.

What are the subscription options? 
Subscribers have access to our FULL back catalogue – every issue published since 1994! – and receive a monthly newsletter filled with exclusive content, offers and updates. See our subscriptions page for more details.

Do you deliver magazines outside of the UK?
Yes, with Issue 247 the last.

Can I buy a gift subscription?
We are currently reviewing our Gift Subscription offering.

I’m a subscriber. How do I access the digital archive?
You can make an account on the Exact Editions magazine reader website using your Subscriber ID. See this guide for more details.

How do I change my delivery address, or cancel my subscription?
Email subs@redpepper.org.uk for all subscription-related enquiries, updates, and questions.

If we receive notification that you have cancelled subscription payments, we will stop delivering the magazine. However, if you wish to receive any remaining issues that you may have paid for, email subs@redpepper.org.uk and we’ll get them sent out.

If you are cancelling because we have stopped publishing a print edition, please consider supporting our ongoing work at a lower rate.


I love Red Pepper, what can I do to support you?
The best way to support our work is to subscribe at the highest price you can afford – this provides us with essential regular funding. Tell your friends to do the same!

There are NINE! more ways you can support Red Pepper explained here.

How can I write for Red Pepper?
We mostly commission articles for the magazine, but if you have an idea or want to write something specifically for the website then read this guide to pitching BEFORE contacting us. We are a small team and can only respond to submissions that follow the guidelines and are a good fit for Red Pepper.

We DO NOT publish sponsored, paid-for, or ‘guest’ posts – our editorial line is completely independent

How can I volunteer at Red Pepper?
We advertise vacant voluntary roles here on our site. If you have your own ideas about how you could get involved / contribute, please email us at contact@redpepper.org.uk. As a small team we may not have the capacity to support volunteers so there is no guarantee we can offer you a position, but we’ll do our best!

Can I reprint an article from Red Pepper, or translate it into another language?
We are normally happy for non-profit organisations, campaign groups or other media outlets to reproduce articles, but we always expect credit – a link and/or acknowledgement at the top of your republication. We may ask for a small donation from those that can afford it, to help cover our costs. Please email office@redpepper.org.uk for more information.

Will you review my book?
If you feel that your book would be of interest to our readers, you can send a copy to: Reviews Editor, Red Pepper, 44-48 Shepherdess Walk, London, N1 7JP.

Unfortunately we can not review all of the books that we receive and will choose the ones that we feel will be of most interest to our readers.

Can you publicise my event?
To discuss Red Pepper being a media partner for your event please email us at contact@redpepper.org.uk

Where can I buy Red Pepper?
You will find Red Pepper in all good radical bookshops and some branches of WH Smith and Waterstones until June 2025. Here is a list of shops that normally stock the magazine. You can also buy individual issues online via Central Books.

If you can’t find us in your local book store or newsagents then please ask them to consider stocking Red Pepper. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss a copy!


To place an advert please contact  michael@emsm.org.uk. To discuss partnership that could include an advert swap please email office@redpepper.org.uk.


As an independent and non partisan magazine of the left we seek to establish a platform for debate and sharing of ideas amongst the progressive green left in the UK and across the world. For interview requests and quotes please contact office@redpepper.org.uk.

Please DO NOT send us press releases.