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Colonialism and Imperialism

  • 'The sixth commandment: Don't kill'. Photo: Aftozak LIVE

    Russian feminist anti-war resistance

    Activist Asya Maruket highlights the variety of ways in which Russian women are resisting Russia’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine

  • Black and white photo of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser waiving to a crowd in Mansoura, 1960

    Egypt at 100 Years of Independence

    Heba Taha explores the drastic political transformations of the Egyptian state 100 years since independence

  • Photograph of a mural on the side of a house depicting Bloody Sunday

    What remains to be said about Bloody Sunday?

    Fifty years on from the murder of innocent demonstrators by British troops, fighting for the living is the best way to remember the dead, says Pádraig Ó Meiscill

  • A woman standing in front of a crowd of protestors waiving the Tino Rangatiratanga national Māori flag

    The driver of dispossession

    Tina Ngata explains the social and legal legacies of a 15th-century Christian principle that paved the way for imperial violence in, and far beyond, New Zealand

  • Imperial Federation map showing the extent of the British Empire in 1886

    The blood never dries

    While our government wants us to step back and forget what we know about the violence of Britain’s imperial state, Richard Gott says it’s time for a much deeper reckoning

  • Group of Afghan soldiers with one US soldier explaining something to them

    Drawing a line in Afghanistan

    The legacy of colonialism is still very real along borders arbitrarily drawn by the British and brutally contested to this day, writes Suchitra Vijayan

  • Political blackness and Palestinian solidarity

    Political blackness and Palestinian solidarity

    The question of Palestine has become a black political litmus test, argues Annie Olaloku-Teriba, defining the very nature of black identity and politics

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