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  • A large procession of people parading through an open square carrying flags and banners, the majority of them red

    The Soviet enigma and its tragic aftermath

    Boris Kagarlitsky’s The Long Retreat provides a necessary Marxist analysis of the Soviet tragedy, says Walden Bello

  • A 16th century woodcut depicting armed peasants surrounding a knight

    The German Peasants’ War: 500 years later

    A half a millennia ago, the peasants of Germany rose in rebellion against their lords. Martin Empson examines why the revolt is relevant today

  • A montage image features an illustration of a ballot box with ballots coming out the side, with a butterfly above in the colours of the French flag. To the right there are photos of Emmanuel Macron speaking from a podium; Marine Le Pen at a rally and a protester holding a sign that reads: Democracie = Ni Le Pen Ni Macron

    French politics: right questions, wrong answers

    The French left is as responsible as President Macron and the right for the rise of the National Rally, argues Yasser Louati

  • Two white feminine people in masks, their shoulders draped in Ukraine flags, hold cardboard signs. One reads: Stop Russian aggression, the other shows a drawing of bombs falling on a mother and child

    Ukraine must win

    Assessing the Russo-Ukraine war from a progressive perspective means recognising the fascist, imperialist nature of the Russian invader, writes Yuliya Yurchenko

  • A montage image shows a backdrop of a mountain range, a stone dragon, the gold star ring of the EU flag, a chainlink fence and the face of Slovenian MEP Branko Grims with a black moustache scribble on his face

    Violence and complicity hand power to fascists across Europe

    Far-right parties made huge gains in the 2024 EU Parliamentary elections, including in Slovenia. Neo-Nazi campaigning and a passive left are fuelling a fascist surge, argues Veronika Mikec

  • An image of the Odesa Puppet Theatre building and an actor in a hat holding a puppet fox

    Puppetry thrives amid war in Ukraine

    The Odesa Puppet Theatre plays a vital role for Ukrainians facing the violence and trauma of war, explain Nataliia Borodina and Matt Smith

  • An illustration showing a red carnation on the left, with the text '25 De Abril' above it. On the left is a tank with people holding guns on and around it

    Portugal’s forgotten revolution

    The ‘carnation revolution’ saw soldiers, workers and communities join forces to overthrow fascism and challenge capitalist power. Peter Robinson traces events from April 1974

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