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  • Supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party wave red flags

    Greece: the anti-fascist struggle continues

    The Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party leaders were imprisoned three years ago. The anti-fascist struggle in Greece did not end with their convictions, explains Rosa Vasilaki

  • Archive photo of General Franco with a grainy image of resistance fighters in the background

    Undoing Franco’s legacy

    A half century after the Spanish dictator’s death, a new law offers truth, reparations and justice to the victims of fascism. Uma Arruga i López reports

  • A montage of UK far-right figures including Suella Braverman, Nigel Farage, Nick Griffith, Boris Johnson and masked protesters with St George's Flag and pig masks

    Anti-fascism now

    As the UK far right evolves and wields new power, antifascists must adapt their tactics to defeat it, writes David Renton

  • A white man in a blue suit makes a casual salute in a hall full of people in suits

    PiS off! But Tusk’s coalition is a Faustian pact for the Polish left

    Lewica politicians must use their leverage for women, workers and minorities, says Ewa Pospieszyńska, or risk even greater threats from the right

  • Head and shoulder photographs of the two authors

    Definitely maybe? The rise of the ‘definite’ left

    In an essay in Byline Times, openDemocracy co-founder Anthony Barnett celebrated the emergence of what he calls the ‘definite left’. It triggered a range of responses, including this exchange with the writer, historian and Kremlin critic Kirill Kobrin

  • Sketches showing placards catching fire and a fire extinguisher with a love heart on it

    Battling burnout: towards a regenerative activist culture

    Laurence Cox explores how regenerative activism can be used to combat burnout and resist neoliberal capitalism

  • A hand-painted placard that reads 'Justice our Nahel' is held up in the air by protestors at a rally

    Justice for Nahel

    Red Pepper republishes an open letter signed by artists, academics, writers and activists demanding justice for the teenager killed by French police

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