Owen Hatherley uncovers the imperial nostalgia fuelling proposals for a new geopolitical union
Examining left movements in Ireland and elsewhere, Lorna Bogue suggests that the conditions created by neoliberalism may prove fertile ground for its downfall
David Wearing discusses the geopolitical interests at stake in the Russia-Ukraine conflict – and how the left in Britain can meaningfully engage in anti-imperialist struggle
Activist Asya Maruket highlights the variety of ways in which Russian women are resisting Russia’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dmitri Makarov and Mary Kaldor call for solidarity and dialogue between anti-war movements and across Cold War divides
Radical workers’ sporting organisations and the 1936 People’s Olympiad illustrate the role of sport in fighting oppression, writes Uma Arruga i López
As more and more comedians find success in the political arena, Rhian Jones lists some of the most prominent examples of satirists turned statesmen