Nada Elia’s book touches on a number of interesting themes, but fails to shift its focus from the academy to grassroots organising, argues Jeanine Hourani
Israeli surveillance is used to crush Palestinian resistance and their model is being exported across the globe, explains Dr. Yara Hawari
Women, and particularly young women, are leading an increasingly noisy revolution against Iran’s theocracy, writes Ahou Koutchesfahani
Arms sales by and to Israel sustains the oppression of Palestinian people. Sam Perlo-Freeman reports on the scale of the trade – and UK involvement in it
Blyth Brentnall describes how a group of activists in the UK has managed to disrupt the activities of one of Israel’s biggest arms suppliers
Pádraig Ó Meiscill speaks to Shahd Abusalama about the enforced separation of her family, defeating smear campaigns and the cruelty of the Home Office
Calls for state and civil action against Russia are an important shift in Western political discourse, writes Ben Jamal