Famous voices can shape public opinion on Palestine, argues Raoul Walawalker, but walking back solidarity statements does more harm than good
Drawing on first-hand experience in Rojava, Ramazan Mendanlioglu explores how radical decentralisation and self-administration look in practice
Following a year of struggle, crisis and destruction, the people of Lebanon fight on, writes Rima Majed from Beirut
Thirty years on from the first Gulf War, Evan Smith considers how it exposed the limitations in the British left’s ability to build a mass movement
The question of Palestine has become a black political litmus test, argues Annie Olaloku-Teriba, defining the very nature of black identity and politics
Shahd Abusalama recounts her father Ismail’s experience in the Israeli prison system and calls for drastic reforms
There are one million children living in Gaza, trapped and under fire, writes Omar Aziz