Israel has escalated its bombardment of Lebanon, killing over 3,000 and displacing millions. Mahdi Zaidan analyses Israel’s strategy – and the relation of Hezbollah to the people of Lebanon
The US presidential election offers an illusion of choice when it comes to supporting genocide, argues Seraj Assi
An interview with Ahmed Abofoul of human rights organisation Al- Haq on the need for international rights and legal mechanisms to stop the genocide in Gaza
Assessing the Russo-Ukraine war from a progressive perspective means recognising the fascist, imperialist nature of the Russian invader, writes Yuliya Yurchenko
Syria and Israel may be in different geopolitical camps but their practices of population extermination are the same. The international left must recognise the commonalities, argues Elia J Ayoub
Games are not neutral, says Sara Khan. Its time for gamers to raise the alarm – and creatively resist the military-entertainment complex
The Odesa Puppet Theatre plays a vital role for Ukrainians facing the violence and trauma of war, explain Nataliia Borodina and Matt Smith