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War and conflict

  • Protestors holding up pro-Palestinian signs calling for a boycott of Israeli goods

    The future of boycotts after Ukraine

    Calls for state and civil action against Russia are an important shift in Western political discourse, writes Ben Jamal

  • 'The sixth commandment: Don't kill'. Photo: Aftozak LIVE

    Russian feminist anti-war resistance

    Activist Asya Maruket highlights the variety of ways in which Russian women are resisting Russia’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine

  • A large rally of marchers holding Russian and Ukrainian flags and messages of peace

    We must unite for peace and human rights across the old divides

    Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dmitri Makarov and Mary Kaldor call for solidarity and dialogue between anti-war movements and across Cold War divides

  • A woman holding a photo of a camp used by China to detain Uyghur prisoners

    The war on the Uyghurs

    Moazzam Begg joins the dots between his own experience of the ‘war on terror’ and the repression of the Uyghur people at the hands of the Chinese state

  • Soldiers of China's Peoples' Liberation Army marching in Beijing bearing red flags

    Rejecting the new cold war

    Western leftists must avoid short-sighted or ignorant support for the Chinese Communist Party, which is a far cry from a socialist regime, writes Brian Hioe

  • An old promotional photo for The United Fruit Company featuring a group photographed in one of its plantations in Jamaica

    A short, sordid history of brands and warfare

    Burger King’s foray into recent conflict in Azerbaijan is part of a historical trend of corporations weighing in – and benefitting from – conflict, writes Tommy Hodgson

  • A black and white photo of people protesting against the first Gulf War

    How the first Gulf War shaped the British left

    Thirty years on from the first Gulf War, Evan Smith considers how it exposed the limitations in the British left’s ability to build a mass movement

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