Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dmitri Makarov and Mary Kaldor call for solidarity and dialogue between anti-war movements and across Cold War divides
Qiuyan Chen sued the Chinese ministry of education over homophobic textbooks. She writes about her battle for LGBTQ+ rights in China and the UK
Moazzam Begg joins the dots between his own experience of the ‘war on terror’ and the repression of the Uyghur people at the hands of the Chinese state
The People’s Action Party has won every election since 1959 – but it hasn’t always been a fair fight, writes Kirsten Han
Tara Okeke explores an important exhibition that offers a compelling history of Black life in Britain through the lens of people, place and struggle
Government demands for public sector ‘neutrality’ uphold a harmful status quo. For civil servant Sophie Izon, it’s time to speak out
Despite the carnage of Syria and Libya and ruinous stalemate of Yemen, the euphoric appeal of the ‘Arab Spring’ continues to feed revolutionary processes across the region, argues Toufic Haddad