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Authoritarianism, and the Far Right

  • A photo taken from a hill showing the Bibby Stockholm, a large, rectangular barge repurposed to house migrants and asylum seekers in the UK

    Against climate fascism

    Alex Roberts examines the multiple ways that the far right has responded to the climate crisis

  • Zlakha Ahmed headshot

    Our right to justice: an interview with Zlakha Ahmed

    The founder of Apna Haq reflects on nearly 30 years of activism and advocacy for women facing domestic violence in Rotherham

  • A large group of people stand outside a glass fronted bulilding, the ESMA Memory Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Art and survival in Argentina’s Memory Museum

    As Argentina marks 40 years of democracy, Cecilia Sosa introduces the reflections of Alejandra Naftal, former director of ESMA, dictatorship survivor and lifetime witness

  • A black and white photo of Rock against Racism protestors, holding banners and placards, marching near the National Gallery in London in 1978

    Why ‘no platform’ still matters

    Despite recent fearmongering from the right, ‘no platforming’ is an invaluable anti-fascist tactic with a long and storied history, writes Evan Smith

  • Three photos: one showing a large crowd; one showing a police cordon; one showing an activist being dragged away by police

    Anti-fascist, pro-trans rights: lessons from Honor Oak

    Sita Balani talks to organiser Ada Cable about anti-fascism and community defence in the face of increasing attacks on queer spaces

  • Supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party wave red flags

    Greece: the anti-fascist struggle continues

    The Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party leaders were imprisoned three years ago. The anti-fascist struggle in Greece did not end with their convictions, explains Rosa Vasilaki

  • Archive photo of General Franco with a grainy image of resistance fighters in the background

    Undoing Franco’s legacy

    A half century after the Spanish dictator’s death, a new law offers truth, reparations and justice to the victims of fascism. Uma Arruga i López reports