Any new socialist organisation must put proletarian anti-racism at its heart and embrace utopian pragmatism, write Joshua Virasami and Jonas Marvin
Local activists, disillusioned with the status quo, are forming political organisations independent of the Labour Party. Naomi Widressidrissi spoke to groups building connections locally and nationally
Jenny Pearce considers how the left should respond to the failings of liberal democracy in the face of the new capitalist authoritarianism
Mazen Gharibah reports on the aftermath of the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad and how grassroots, civilian-led peacebuilding efforts are crucial to Syria’s future
Ahead of the US election, Sarah McKinley and Dana Brown argue that to save democracy, we first must democratise the economy – with community wealth building the way forward
Syria and Israel may be in different geopolitical camps but their practices of population extermination are the same. The international left must recognise the commonalities, argues Elia J Ayoub
Zoya Hasan explains how civil and political society collaboration shaped India’s 2024 election – and the hope it provides for democracy