A vacuum has developed on the left in UK electoral politics. Are any parties or independents ready to step in? Red Pepper surveys the contenders to watch out for at the 2024 General Election
Bar a seismic shift in British politics, Labour will form the next government. So what will it do? Nick Cosburn says it’s easier to predict than you might think
While establishment figures tried to block the election of progressive president Bernardo Arévalo, Tim Brinkhof spoke to the grassroots activists defending democracy
Lewica politicians must use their leverage for women, workers and minorities, says Ewa Pospieszyńska, or risk even greater threats from the right
Support for vibrant, radical, independent media is essential. As we’re fixing few glitches and bugs, so is your feedback!
We can learn from the USA and Greece, says Lesley Dodd, to map out routes beyond working only inside or outside the Labour Party
Andrew Hedges discusses local leadership and democracy in the Labour Party with North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll