Government demands for public sector ‘neutrality’ uphold a harmful status quo. For civil servant Sophie Izon, it’s time to speak out
The newly-launched Northern Independence Party makes the case for Northumbrian secession
As more and more comedians find success in the political arena, Rhian Jones lists some of the most prominent examples of satirists turned statesmen
In 2017, Labour won Kensington by just 20 votes. Brian Eno explains why he’s backing Emma Dent Coad in the seat – and why voting Lib Dem is ‘voting Tory without admitting it’
Once swept by a ‘pink tide’, the continent is now seeing the rise of authoritarian politics. What lessons are to be learnt from the varied left experiences? By Jenny Pearce
Omar Barghouti asks: has Donald Trump’s break with the two-state solution unwittingly revived the possibility of a single, democratic state in historic Palestine?
The question commentators won’t ask is simple: what kind of society votes Donald Trump President? Siobhán McGuirk surveys the fragmented USA