Home > Political parties and ideologies > Feminism > Page 3


  • On the steps of a government building, protestors hold signs for (a young girl smiling in the foreground) and against (a mixed-age crowd in the background) same-sex marriage

    Right to divorce

    As right-wing parties threaten LGBTQ+ communities, we must defend hard-won legal rights while still fighting for a more radical liberation, says Siobhan McGuirk

  • A pro-abortion demonstration in Washington DC, 13th November 1989

    Left Feminisms – review

    Jo Litter’s book is an inspiring and accessible overview of feminism from a diverse array of left-wing thinkers, writes Marin Scarlett

  • A promotional photo for the 2023 season of Love Island featuring the show's cast.

    Love Island and emotional labour

    Love Island is not just a reflection of the dominant model of love, but part of its ideological reproduction, writes Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal

  • A placard reading 'Climate Justice or Riot' is held up above a sea of heads at a protest rally

    No gender justice without climate justice

    Iolanda Fresnillo and Leia Achampong report on the new debt crises bringing fresh waves of austerity to the global south – and hitting women hardest

  • A marble statue of a bearded man, Plato, wearing a robe is offset against a bright blue sky

    Nowhere to retvrn: how far-right revisionism spreads online

    The right has always tried to control historical narratives to uphold its values, says Eleanor Janega. Now ‘trads’ are taking it online

  • Illustrations showing two people feeding babies, one within a heart shape with the word 'Chestfed' above, the other sitting atop a ribbon in blue, pink and white that reads 'Trans Joy'

    Labour pains: Views on birthing, pregnancy and birth control

    AJ Silver, Moly O’Brien and Devon Price challenge how UK medical institutions exert control over their bodies

  • A young smiling child pours water from a watering can over a bed of sprouting plants as a smiling older person looks on at the Golden Hill Community Garden

    The future is now: rethinking public ownership

    Hilary Wainwright introduces ‘prefigurative politics’ and Ursula Huws explains how community ownership can encourage a fruitful rethink of public ownership amid a cost-of-living crisis

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