Love Island is not just a reflection of the dominant model of love, but part of its ideological reproduction, writes Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal
Iolanda Fresnillo and Leia Achampong report on the new debt crises bringing fresh waves of austerity to the global south – and hitting women hardest
The right has always tried to control historical narratives to uphold its values, says Eleanor Janega. Now ‘trads’ are taking it online
AJ Silver, Moly O’Brien and Devon Price challenge how UK medical institutions exert control over their bodies
Hilary Wainwright introduces ‘prefigurative politics’ and Ursula Huws explains how community ownership can encourage a fruitful rethink of public ownership amid a cost-of-living crisis
Oil worker strikes in Iran are different this time. The latest spate of industrial action is rallying support for Iranian women, writes A.N.
Nada Elia’s book touches on a number of interesting themes, but fails to shift its focus from the academy to grassroots organising, argues Jeanine Hourani
The view from student encampments for Palestine
Local, independent, anti-racist: An interview with Shezan Renny