Boris Kagarlitsky’s The Long Retreat provides a necessary Marxist analysis of the Soviet tragedy, says Walden Bello
In the ever-shifting landscape and viability of print media, left-wing publications can take many forms and directions. Paula Lacey spotlights a selection of trajectories taken in the UK and beyond
Jenny Pearce considers how the left should respond to the failings of liberal democracy in the face of the new capitalist authoritarianism
A half a millennia ago, the peasants of Germany rose in rebellion against their lords. Martin Empson examines why the revolt is relevant today
A 250-year struggle to liberate Kanaky (New Caledonia) from French colonial rule continues today. Gerry Hart traces the history
The anti-globalisation movement was born at much the same time as Red Pepper. James O’Nions reflects on its rise
More than a mere rebuttal of colonial apologetics, The Truth About Empire is a vital tool against the rising tide of reactionary retellings of history, writes Peter Mitchell