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  • A procession carrying banners representing different British trade unions, with a drummer in the foreground

    Another England – review

    The left has long been skeptical of embracing English identity, but Caroline Lucas offers a radical alternative vision of Englishness divorced from right wing nationalism writes Tommy Sissons

  • Photo of a long train covered and surrounded by hundreds of people wearing bring colours and waving Sudan flags

    Sudan’s lost revolution

    The hopes of the grassroots, citizens’ revolution have given way to the brutality and violence of rentier elites in Sudan, writes Raga Makawi

  • An illustration of a ballot box with ballots turning into colourful butterflies as they seem to emerge from the slot

    Labour after the landslide

    Hilary Wainwright reflects on the 2024 UK election: new parties rising, cracks in Labour’s electoral machine and potential future strategies for the left

  • Delegates to the 19th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, seated before a stage in front of a large portrait of Vladimir Lenin

    Twilight of the Soviet Union – review

    Kate Clark’s memoir offers an insightful and tragic first hand account of the last years of the Soviet Union, writes Jonathan Steele

  • A broader songsheet: An interview with Gary Younge

    Twenty years on from his piece for Red Pepper’s tenth anniversary, Gary Younge reflects on the shifting landscape of alternative media. Interview by Paula Lacey

  • Key words: Tankie

    Owen Hatherley unpacks one of the most infamous phrases in left-wing infighting

  • Democracy in the UK

    The Charter 88 movement has fought for constitutional change in the UK since 1988. Its demands are still relevant in calling for a bold remedy to years of institutional and political decay, argues Helena Kennedy

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