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  • An illustration in pastel colours shows a workman with a hammer against an industrial backdrop

    Transition troubles at the coalface

    Forty years on from the miners’ strike, Britain’s transition away from coal highlights the complex challenges of decarbonisation, write Huw Beynon and Ray Hudson

  • Feminist protesters with a red flag in the foreground

    Faces of feminism – from the 90s to tomorrow

    Two prominent UK writers, Lynne Segal and Lola Olufemi, engage in an intergenerational discussion of the state of feminism and feminist organising

  • A stylised red flag waving on black background

    Red Pepper: how it all began

    The founders of Red Pepper – Tony Cook, Dee Searle, Clifford Singer and Hilary Wainwright – reflect on the birth of the magazine in 1994

  • On a pale yellow background there is a collage of images from Birmingham. One is a blue plaque for the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies and others are buildings with radical grafitti on them.

    Four quarters of radical Birmingham

    The ‘Gramscian project’ of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, established in 1964 by Stuart Hall and Richard Hoggart at the University of Birmingham, left an indelible mark on the city. Josh Allen surveys its enduring radical edge

  • Unofficial unionising: an interview with Wilf Sullivan

    The former Trades Union Congress race equality officer reflects on decades of black workers’ organising within unions

  • On a teal background there is a photo of someone holding a sign. The sign says 'TUC - stand down perpetrators!'.

    Radical reels: an interview with Reel News

    An anonymous activist from the video collective Reel News describes how it has supported various campaigns since the pathbreaking rise of indie media

  • Suella Braverman speaking, racism, Islamophobia, Conservative Party

    Braverman, Anderson and tired Tory Islamophobia

    Comments by senior Conservative politicians and lack of consequences are symptomatic of the party’s long-standing Islamophobia and racism, writes Stuart Cartland

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