Siobhan McGuirk charts the development of UK borders and citizenship policies since the early 1900s
Nostalgia can inspire action towards a more just society, says Siobhan McGuirk, if we remember without romanticising socialist victories past
Peter Mitchell on the great national myth of World War Two
The right has always tried to control historical narratives to uphold its values, says Eleanor Janega. Now ‘trads’ are taking it online
Hilary Wainwright introduces ‘prefigurative politics’ and Ursula Huws explains how community ownership can encourage a fruitful rethink of public ownership amid a cost-of-living crisis
Duncan Stone’s fastidiously researched history of English cricket offers a valuable alternative view of the sport, writes Sanaa Qureshi
Activists, academics and friends explain what David Graeber’s work meant to them – and the salient message it still carries today
One no, many yeses: tracing the anti-globalisation movement
The Truth About Empire – review
Wealth for all: Saving democracy with community wealth building