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  • A collage of images featuring Peter Kennard and two of his artworks - one showing a CND logo cutting through a bomb, the other a shadow of a person against the flag of Ukraine

    Peter Kennard: pictures for peace

    Peter Kennard reflects on a career focused on creating anti-war art, from documenting protests to dissecting nuclear weapons

  • Article author Johnathan Steele (left) sat next to former premier of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev (right)

    How the West scuppered Gorbachev’s reforms

    Drawing on his observations of Gorbachev, Jonathan Steele details how Western interests and Yeltsin’s ambition undermined his strategy for gradual reform

  • A painting showing witches performing a ritual surrounded by magical items and creatures

    Morality tales

    From cowardly men to wayward wives, pre-modern superstitions transmitted social norms as well as scares, writes Eleanor Janega

  • A woman standing in front of a crowd of protestors waiving the Tino Rangatiratanga national Māori flag

    The driver of dispossession

    Tina Ngata explains the social and legal legacies of a 15th-century Christian principle that paved the way for imperial violence in, and far beyond, New Zealand

  • Photo: Marxists Internet Archive

    A history of the Marxists Internet Archive

    The Marxists Internet Archive, an online home for radical history, has a fascinating history of its own, writes Jack Archie Stewart

  • A promotional image for the 1936 People's Olympiad includes an illustration of three people with different colour skin and clothes, holding a banner reading 'Olimpiad Popular'

    The Socialist Olympics of 1936

    Radical workers’ sporting organisations and the 1936 People’s Olympiad illustrate the role of sport in fighting oppression, writes Uma Arruga i López.

  • Keir Hardie in Trafalgar Square, 1908

    What’s wrong with the Labour Party?

    The role Labour plays in maintaining the capitalist state makes it a crucial site for socialists to organise within, argues Luke Evans

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