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  • A painting showing witches performing a ritual surrounded by magical items and creatures

    Morality tales

    From cowardly men to wayward wives, pre-modern superstitions transmitted social norms as well as scares, writes Eleanor Janega

  • A woman standing in front of a crowd of protestors waiving the Tino Rangatiratanga national Māori flag

    The driver of dispossession

    Tina Ngata explains the social and legal legacies of a 15th-century Christian principle that paved the way for imperial violence in, and far beyond, New Zealand

  • Photo: Marxists Internet Archive

    A history of the Marxists Internet Archive

    The Marxists Internet Archive, an online home for radical history, has a fascinating history of its own, writes Jack Archie Stewart

  • Imperial Federation map showing the extent of the British Empire in 1886

    The blood never dries

    While our government wants us to step back and forget what we know about the violence of Britain’s imperial state, Richard Gott says it’s time for a much deeper reckoning

  • Group of Afghan soldiers with one US soldier explaining something to them

    Drawing a line in Afghanistan

    The legacy of colonialism is still very real along borders arbitrarily drawn by the British and brutally contested to this day, writes Suchitra Vijayan

  • A promotional image for the 1936 People's Olympiad includes an illustration of three people with different colour skin and clothes, holding a banner reading 'Olimpiad Popular'

    The Socialist Olympics of 1936

    Radical workers’ sporting organisations and the 1936 People’s Olympiad illustrate the role of sport in fighting oppression, writes Uma Arruga i López

  • A crowd of people with Lebanese flags and candles sit and stand in a group at night

    Lebanon’s October revolution

    Following a year of struggle, crisis and destruction, the people of Lebanon fight on, writes Rima Majed from Beirut

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