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Political parties and ideologies

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

  • Protestors waiving placards, Palestinian flags and keys symbolising the Palestinian demand for right of return

    Greater than the Sum of Our Parts – review

    Nada Elia’s book touches on a number of interesting themes, but fails to shift its focus from the academy to grassroots organising, argues Jeanine Hourani

  • A woman speaks into a microphone at a Town Hall meeting for the Nigerian Election

    Youth disappointment as Nigeria chooses Tinubu

    Peter Obi’s campaign had inspired a new generation hoping for change. Adaora Osondu-Oti explores how, instead, the incumbent party won a bitterly contested election

  • A protestor wearing a pig nose confronts Metropolitan police officers wearing high vis jackets.

    The colonial roots of the Metropolitan Police

    The Met’s institutional racism is inevitable given its key inspiration: the policing model used to quell Irish anti-colonial resistance, argues Kate Bermingham

  • Bed in a hospital room with a chair and drawers by its side

    Birthing while black

    Anna Horn describes her own experiences in giving birth and how maternity services fail black women in particular

  • Former labour leader Jeremy Corbyn meeting with members of Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI)

    On the coming of age

    Old age and the ageing process cannot be divorced from the system as a whole, writes Jane Shallice

  • Two red flags which both have Unite the union's logo on them

    Public purpose

    Past experiences suggest that public ownership of industry doesn’t guarantee a more socially useful purpose. But it is a necessary condition, writes Raymond Morell

  • A black and white photograph. Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo sits next to his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in 1947. Bertoldt Brecht sits in the background

    Monopolywood: Why the Paramount accords should not be repealed

    Repealing the Paramount accords could set independent cinema back, writes Vaughn Joy

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