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Political parties and ideologies

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

  • Futuristic cityscape in a CGI rendering of the plans for Etruscan Square in Stoke-on-Trent

    ‘Levelling up’ is part of the culture war

    ‘Levelling up’ is presented as an infrastructure programme. The gloss is poor cover for a decade of government underinvestment, writes Dominic Davies

  • A large colourful Save Brick Lane protest

    Misogyny, monopoly and marginalised communities

    Tower Hamlets Labour Party is deeply hypocritical, argues Tasnima Uddin, in its treatment of marginalised people and women of colour

  • A montage of illustrations showing trans rights activist alongside archive images of protest and legislative wins

    How trans rights activists changed Argentina

    Argentina’s groundbreaking gender identity laws were won through longstanding activist traditions, diverse tactics and solidarity. The experience has lessons for us all, write Alessandra Viggiano and Siobhán McGuirk

  • Philippine presidential candidate Leody de Guzman at a rally standing behind a banner with a raised fist

    The campaign for a democratic socialist Philippines

    Following the victory of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in this year’s Philippine presidential election, Walden Bello details how he and Leody de Guzman sought to forge a new path for a revitalised Philippine left

  • A leafy low-rise square with the burned remains of Grenfell Tower in the background

    Five years of inaction after Grenfell

    Grenfell happened because of deregulation, writes Daniel Renwick. Five years after the disaster, far too little has changed

  • The Custom House in Dublin, Ireland with the River Liffey in the foreground

    Socialist world, where are you?

    Examining left movements in Ireland and elsewhere, Lorna Bogue suggests that the conditions created by neoliberalism may prove fertile ground for its downfall

  • An English high street with a town hall clock tower and rain-washed streets

    The Red Wall: a political narrative

    The term ‘Red Wall’ reflects establishment perspectives. It is being used to manipulate us towards conservative goals, argues Daniel Eales

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