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Political parties and ideologies

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

  • A woman with grey hair in a purple tee and grey jacket holds up a sign reading "STOP femicide" at a protest

    The lies we tell about men who kill

    Mental health crisis is often used to explain mass murder. The framing only detracts attention from tackling misogyny and male violence, argues Alex Birch

  • Group of Afghan soldiers with one US soldier explaining something to them

    Drawing a line in Afghanistan

    The legacy of colonialism is still very real along borders arbitrarily drawn by the British and brutally contested to this day, writes Suchitra Vijayan

  • Two photos side by side. Dawn Foster sitting at a dinner smiling. A tribute writting on a white wall reads Dawn Foster Forever

    The fierce kindness of Dawn Foster

    Kimon Daltas pays tribute to our friend and comrade Dawn Foster

  • A promotional image for the 1936 People's Olympiad includes an illustration of three people with different colour skin and clothes, holding a banner reading 'Olimpiad Popular'

    The Socialist Olympics of 1936

    Radical workers’ sporting organisations and the 1936 People’s Olympiad illustrate the role of sport in fighting oppression, writes Uma Arruga i López.

  • A red waving Unite the Union flag

    What’s at stake for the left in Unite’s General Secretary election?

    As the election of a new General Secretary for Britain’s biggest trade union gets underway, Red Pepper speaks to left candidates Sharon Graham and Steve Turner

  • A photo of a group of people taken outside of a Komîngeh, or neighbourhood office

    Rojava’s Everyday Democracy

    Drawing on first-hand experience in Rojava, Ramazan Mendanlioglu explores how radical decentralisation and self-administration look in practice

  • A crowd of people with Lebanese flags and candles sit and stand in a group at night

    Lebanon’s October revolution

    Following a year of struggle, crisis and destruction, the people of Lebanon fight on, writes Rima Majed from Beirut

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