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Political parties and ideologies

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

  • A 16th century woodcut depicting armed peasants surrounding a knight

    The German Peasants’ War: 500 years later

    A half a millennia ago, the peasants of Germany rose in rebellion against their lords. Martin Empson examines why the revolt is relevant today

  • The flag of Kanaky (New Caledonia)

    Kanaky Rising: A timeline of struggle

    A 250-year struggle to liberate Kanaky (New Caledonia) from French colonial rule continues today. Gerry Hart traces the history

  • A fire engine with fire fighters along side and on top of it in the middle of a road, with burning buildings and bright fires behind it

    From the Ashes – review

    Grief and loss are inescapable parts of the fight for a better world, but Sarah Jaffe demonstrates that they are compatible with resilience and determination, writes Joana Ramiro

  • Reputation first, safety second

    Gareth Dennis, who was sacked for speaking publicly about safety issues at London’s Euston station, explains the need for new legal protections for all public servants speaking about subjects on which they hold expertise

  • A large red hand with smaller arms and hands inbetween

    Key words: solidarity

    Solidarity does not simply ‘exist’, explains Mark Steven. It must be built and put into action by all of us, everywhere, together

  • One no, many yeses: tracing the anti-globalisation movement

    The anti-globalisation movement was born at much the same time as Red Pepper. James O’Nions reflects on its rise

  • A painting depicting Britannia riding in a chariot at sea, waiving the union jack alongside Neptune and surrounded by nymphs and other mythological creatures

    The Truth About Empire – review

    More than a mere rebuttal of colonial apologetics, The Truth About Empire is a vital tool against the rising tide of reactionary retellings of history, writes Peter Mitchell

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