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Political parties and ideologies

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

A founding aim of Red Pepper was to offer a platform for inter-left discussion, focusing on inclusive and accessible debate, not dogma, and covering a range of political parties and ideologies.

Today, we’re continuing this tradition, providing primers on political history and contemporary ‘keywords’, analysing the left’s relationship with the Labour Party, and keeping an eye on the evolving far-right.

  • A stylised red flag waving on black background

    Red Pepper: how it all began

    The founders of Red Pepper – Tony Cook, Dee Searle, Clifford Singer and Hilary Wainwright – reflect on the birth of the magazine in 1994

  • A former public baths and wash house in London now boarded up and abandoned

    Shattered Nation – review

    Dorling’s book offers a damning portrait of a crumbling Britain, writes Phil O’Sullivan

  • On a pale yellow background there is a collage of images from Birmingham. One is a blue plaque for the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies and others are buildings with radical grafitti on them.

    Four quarters of radical Birmingham

    The ‘Gramscian project’ of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, established in 1964 by Stuart Hall and Richard Hoggart at the University of Birmingham, left an indelible mark on the city. Josh Allen surveys its enduring radical edge

  • On a red background, there is an illustration of a rose than is on its side, with wilted petals. There are two protestors with signs reading 'Fund our schools' and 'right to strike'

    Minimum service levels, minimum prospects

    Adrian Weir examines Labour’s lackluster response to the Tories’ attack on workers, and how unions are striking back

  • An illustrated pair of scissors is on a blue background.

    Key words: Austerity

    Níall Glynn explains the true function of an economic policy agenda that bolsters capitalism and devastates the working class

  • On a red background, there is an illustration of a wilted red rose that is dropping its petals on protesting nurses. The nurses banners say 'claps don't pay the bills' and 'save the NHS'.

    Predicting a Labour government

    Bar a seismic shift in British politics, Labour will form the next government. So what will it do? Nick Cosburn says it’s easier to predict than you might think

  • Members of the Kayole Social Justice Centre stand in front of a wall of grafiti with their fists raised. The wall says 'peace' and 'courage'

    Fighting Kenya’s femicide

    Grassroots socialist and feminist organising in spaces like Kayole Social Justice Centre, Nairobi, are leading the fight against patriarchy, capitalism, and a colonial present, writes Maryanne Kasina

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