Boris Kagarlitsky’s The Long Retreat provides a necessary Marxist analysis of the Soviet tragedy, says Walden Bello
Red Pepper speaks to Zoë Garbett, Robert Magowan and Ani Chowdhury, who are organising to put diverse working class voices at the forefront of the Green Party programme
Local activists, disillusioned with the status quo, are forming political organisations independent of the Labour Party. Naomi Widressidrissi spoke to groups building connections locally and nationally
In the ever-shifting landscape and viability of print media, left-wing publications can take many forms and directions. Paula Lacey spotlights a selection of trajectories taken in the UK and beyond
After 31 years, Red Pepper is ceasing print production. Editors Hilary Wainwright and Siobhán McGuirk explain why – and invite readers to shape what comes next
Media producers on the left must work both in and against the online content economy, argues Gerry Hart
Former Red Pepper editor K Biswas reflects on the ebb and flow of media fortunes and how a drive to print continues to galvanise the left