Paula Lacey speaks to Iris Duane, the Scottish Greens candidate seeking to become the first trans woman of colour MP
A vacuum has developed on the left in UK electoral politics. Are any parties or independents ready to step in? Red Pepper surveys the contenders to watch out for at the 2024 General Election
Games and play are everywhere under neoliberal capitalism. But they can also show us the way to a better future, argues Keir Milburn
The founders of Red Pepper – Tony Cook, Dee Searle, Clifford Singer and Hilary Wainwright – reflect on the birth of the magazine in 1994
Ken Loach talks to Hilary Wainwright about his latest film, The Old Oak, and his long career dignifying the lives and struggles of ordinary people
In the face of severe underfunding and creeping privatisation, Tony O’Sullivan looks at how a new government can counter the twin attacks on the NHS
As we approach the centenary of V I Lenin’s death, Lars T Lih looks at what his ‘intricate polemic’ in What is to Be Done? might offer today’s left