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  • Images set against a yellow background show a pint of beer, a robot, workers on laptops and an oil rig engulfed in flames

    Top Marx: revisiting key Marxist concepts in today’s world

    Jamila Squire breaks down four Marxist concepts that can help in developing a common materialist understanding of today’s crises

  • A young person, dressed for office work, looks despondently at a laptop computer

    Key words: Alienation

    Daniel Newman explains a key Marxist concept for understanding how labour under capitalism denies workers their humanity

  • An illustration showing images of German philosophers Karl Marx and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel with pink and purple coloured arrows pointing in different directions across the top

    Key words: Dialectics

    Tom Whyman explains Marx’s influential theory of ‘dialectical materialism’ which has its roots in Hegel and takes history to be driven by conflict

  • A protest march. A large banner is held above head height. It has the IWW logo and the words 'Portland General Membership Branch', 'An Injury to one is an injury to all'

    Revolutionary unionism and the Industrial Workers of the World

    The dream of one big trade union is worth fighting for, writes CC Gwalia

  • The chamber of the house of commons, except the green carpet has been replaced with jungle vegetation

    Rewilding our dysfunctional democracy

    Just as capitalism destroys ecosystems, it also maintains power imbalances in our democracies. Borrowing ecological principles could yield radical politcal changes, writes Calum McGeown

  • Photographs of three of the five women features in Red Valkyries (From left to right: Alexandra Kollontai, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lyudmila Pavlichenko)

    Red Valkyries – review

    In exploring the lives of the revolutionary socialist feminists of the past, Red Valkyries demonstrates the value and importance of feminism in the 21st century, argues Rachel Collett

  • Article author Johnathan Steele (left) sat next to former premier of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev (right)

    How the West scuppered Gorbachev’s reforms

    Drawing on his observations of Gorbachev, Jonathan Steele details how Western interests and Yeltsin’s ambition undermined his strategy for gradual reform

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