Home > Political parties and ideologies > Socialism > Page 6


  • Labour's then-leader Michael Foot addresses a rally in 1983.

    1983: the biggest myth in Labour Party history

    Labour’s 1983 election campaign has long been used to say it is impossible for a leader like Jeremy Corbyn to win any election from the left. Alex Nunns digs out the truth

  • A rally held in 2015 as part of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party leadership campaign inside the Albert Hall in Nottingham, taken from with the seated crowd

    The changing face of Labour

    Josh Holmes speaks to some of the new intake of Labour MPs about a fresh left focus for the party

  • The Cybersyn Opsroom

    Cybersyn and Allende’s socialist internet

    Leigh Phillips tells the story of Cybersyn, Chile’s experiment in non-centralised economic planning which was cut short by the 1973 coup

  • A photo of a newspaper printing press in operation

    The medium is the message

    The alternative media are more than a source of news; they help keep the democratic process alive writes Gary Younge

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