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  • A promotional image for the book Asylum for Sale. A raised fist holds barbed wire that features currency symbols and a flying bird

    Asylum for Sale – review

    The edited volume from Siobhán McGuirk and Adrienne Pine is a powerful indictment of the modern migration complex, writes Nico Vaccari

  • A group of multi-ethnic activists hold up placards for environmental justice and Extinction Rebellion

    It’s time to add global justice to XR’s demands

    Extinction Rebellion must recognise the impacts of colonialism and capitalism and demand a just transition for all, argues Aranyo Aarjan

  • World without borders Illustration: Cressida Knapp

    Dare to dream of a world without borders

    If politics is the art of the possible, then radicalism must be the capacity to imagine new possibilities, says Gary Younge

  • Refugees Welcome protest in London, credit: The Weekly Bull

    Ten things you can do to combat racism and xenophobia

    #PostReferendumRacism has exposed the racist and xenophobic belly of Britain. Luckily, there is a lot that you can do. Siobhan McGuirk has gathered 10 suggestions, feel free to add your own below

  • Italiano: Silvio Berlusconi al Grand Hotel Trento per la campagna elettorale delle elezioni provinciali. Credit: Niccolò Caranti

    Beyond Berlusconi

    Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way

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