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In the UK and beyond, austerity and the erosion of state welfare systems have made sectors like health, housing and education increasingly precarious within our society.

Our analysis looks at the intersections of gender, race and class, and how social movements – old and new – can offer support, action and solidarity beyond electoral politics.


In the UK and beyond, austerity and the erosion of state welfare systems have made sectors like health, housing and education increasingly precarious within our society.

Our analysis looks at the intersections of gender, race and class, and how social movements – old and new – can offer support, action and solidarity beyond electoral politics.


  • ‘Faster, faster, faster’: The diary of a hotel cleaner

    In the opening post of a new blog project, the anonymous ‘Maid in London’ describes her first day cleaning a luxury London hotel

  • A still from the 2014 film Pride shows jubilant marchers connecting gay rights to the miners strikes

    Pride in the fight

    Siobhan McGuirk celebrates the solidarity – and humour – of a film about when lesbians and gay people backed the miners

  • Two men stand in suits holding up a save the date message celebrating same-sex marriage laws

    Married strife: going beyond marriage equality

    The same-sex marriage campaign has been successful, but LGBTQ equality is still a distant dream. It’s time to reassess our priorities, argues Siobhan McGuirk

  • Student protestors in London in 2010, with one holding a burning placard reading 'Stop fees and cuts'

    Behind a student kettle

    Tabitha Troughton reports from the December 9 fees demonstration

  • Italiano: Silvio Berlusconi al Grand Hotel Trento per la campagna elettorale delle elezioni provinciali. Credit: Niccolò Caranti

    Beyond Berlusconi

    Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way

  • Young women festival-goers stand at a gig barrier holding placards that read 'Stop the Nazi BNP' while smiling and putting thumbs upCREDIT: PA PHOTOS

    Making music matter

    Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events

  • Abortion – 24 reasons for 24 weeks

    MP Nadine Dorries unveiled 20 ‘reasons’ for lowering the abortion limit to 20 weeks. Here Laurie Penny gives 24 reasons why it should remain at 24 weeks